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File metadata and controls

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Book Demo

This is a demo Spring Boot project illustrating CRUD operations on "Book" entity.


  1. Java 11 or higher (with JAVA_HOME variable and environment path set)
  2. PostgreSQL - 9 or higher
  3. Maven - 3.5 or higher (for Testing and Building the project) (with environment path set)
  4. Postman - 8 or higher (For using Postman collection to test the project)

Pre Configuration

This project uses a PostgreSQL database and a dedicated postgres user. Follow these steps to setup your system,

  1. Run the queries present in /resources/initialize_db.sql to setup the user and the database.
  2. The project is configured to connect to a database named bookdemo, on localhost, at port 5432. If your database server is configured else where or if your database name is different, you will have to update the datasource URL in the file, as per your configuration. If the configuration has been updated, you will have to build the project again to generate the latest JAR file.

This is the only database configuration required, the tables will automatically be created once this project connect to the database.

Building the project

The project can be built using maven. Run this command in the base directory of the project,

mvn clean install

This will run the tests and package the project into a JAR file.

Running the Project

The JAR file can be directly run on Java. You can take the JAR from the InitialBuild release using this command in the build directory,

java -jar demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Running Tests

The project has a few integration tests configured. These tests can be run using the following maven command,

mvn test

Using the Postman Collection

A Postman collection is available with this project - resources/BookDemo.postman_collection.json. This collection can be imported into Postman and used to test the APIs. Each of the postman requests have a few basic test cases that can be used to validate the APIs. When using this collection to test the APIs, it is recommended to use the Postman runner that runs all the requests in the collection.

Note: The url of the requests is set to localhost:8000, if you are running this project elsewhere update the url variable in the collection.