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Quick Start

David Murasov edited this page May 17, 2023 · 14 revisions


  1. Passphrase is essentially a password, or to be more specific, a phrase which consists 12 words and gives you access to your ADAMANT account
  2. admin_accounts is a field in bot's config. Definition from the config itself: ADAMANT accounts to accept commands from. Commands from other accounts will not be executed. In other words, you gotta have 2 separate ADAMANT accounts, one of which you will use as admin account and send the commands from it, the other one you will leave to the bot and provide it's passphrase in config.

Set up

  1. Follow to install the bot;
  2. Fill the config.
    1. Set bot’s passPhrase — create a separate ADAMANT account for it
    2. admin_accounts — add your own ADAMANT account from which you’ll send commands to bot
    3. Set exchange to cryptocurrency exchange you have chosen, pair, and apikey/apisecret.


  1. Make sure everything is alright with the installation. Double-check the config comparing it to example in Installation troubleshooting;
  2. Start a chat with the bot. The bot will ignore contacts from accounts not in admin_accounts;
  3. Rename the bot. You can name it like Test CoinOptimus [Pair@Exchange] for your convenience. Info about chats in ADAMANT Messenger helps on this;
  4. Send /balances command to it (note: all the commands start with slash /), and you should get a reply: P2PB2B balances:
    0.00972085 BTC
    643.40463 DOGE
    376 369.1 VCN (347 077.39 available & 29 291.71 frozen)
    2.11177553 LTC
    970.09399713 USDT (929.02178413 available & 41.072213 frozen)
    Total holdings ~ 1 354.02 USD or 0.06648047 BTC
    Total holdings (non-VCN) ~ 1 354.02 USD or 0.06648047 BTC.

You are all set!

Start trading

To start trading with Ladder/ Grid strategy, see this page.


If you want to stop (pause) the bot, run the command: /stop. It will pause trading, but it will not cancel open orders. Use /clear all command to cancel orders. Note: it will cancel all orders, including those placed via exchange’s website.

Manual orders

You can place manual /buy and /sell orders. If you need to remove some type of orders, use /clear command. Try: /buy VCN/USDT quote=7 The bot will buy VCN for 7 USDT at market price.

/buy VCN/USDT quote=7 price=0.0059 The bot will place an order to buy VCN for 7 USDT at 0.0059 price.

/buy VCN/USDT amount=2000 price=0.0059 The bot will place an order to buy 2000 VCN at 0.0059 price.


The bot sends notifications on warnings and errors, which you’ll probably want to handle. For example, balance is not enough. To add notifications, you need to specify this in the config.

  1. Find and copy your ADAMANT address: open ADAMANT Messenger - navigate to "account" section - click on "share" icon and select "copy address".
  2. Open your config. Then, with control + F (cmd + F on MacOS) search for "adamant_notify" field.
  3. Paste your ADAMANT address. It should look like this:

"adamant_notify": ["U4831643402757107438"],

You're done. Now you will get notifications for warnings and errors.

More info

At any time you can request /stats, /orders, /deposit, /rates, /calc and /pair from the bot.

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