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ada-py-bind is an Ada library, based upon GNATCOLL.Python, meant to simplify the binding of Ada data structures to Python.

The idea is that ada-py-bind will handle a certain number of things for you automatically or semi-automatically, such as:

  • Memory management and ref-counting.
  • Type checking of arguments, both dynamic (in Python) and static (enforcing correct types for bindings through Ada's type system).
  • Propagating Ada exceptions to Python
  • Simple getter/setter type checking
  • Common conversions from Ada types to Python

Simple example

Given this Ada package:

package Shape is
   type Point is record
      X, Y : Integer := 12;
   end record;

   function Get_X (Self : Point) return Integer;
   procedure Set_X (Self : in out Point; X : Integer);
   function Get_Y (Self : Point) return Integer;
   procedure Set_Y (Self : in out Point; Y : Integer);

   type Shape is record
      Id : Unbounded_String;
      Position : Point;
   end record;

   function Get_Id (Self : Shape) return String;
   procedure Set_Id (Self : in out Shape; Id : String);
   procedure Translate (Self : in out Shape; Move : Point);
end Shape;

You can create bindings to python with the following binding code

package Shape.Py_Bind is
   package Module is new Py_Module ("gen");

   --  Bind point
   package Py_Point is new Py_Value (Point, Module, "Point");
   package Py_Point_Prop is new Py_Property (Py_Point);

   package Py_Point_X_Prop is new Py_Point_Prop.Byval
     (Int_Type, "x", Get_X, Set_X);
   package Py_Shape_Y_Prop is new Py_Point_Prop.Byval
     (Int_Type, "y", Get_Y, Set_Y);

   --  Bind shape
   package Py_Shape is new Py_Value (Shape, Module, "Shape");
   package Py_Shape_Prop is new Py_Property (Py_Shape);

   package Py_Shape_Id_Prop is new Py_Shape_Prop.Byval
     (String_Type, "id", Get_Id, Set_Id);

   function Get_Position (S : Py_Shape.Val_Access) return Py_Point.Val_Access;
   procedure Set_Position
     (S : Py_Shape.Val_Access; Point : Py_Point.Val_Access);
   package Py_Shape_Position_Prop is new Py_Shape_Prop.Byref
     (Py_Point.Access_Desc, "position", Get_Position, Set_Position);

   function Dummy_Method (Args : Py_Args) return PyObject;
   function Py_Translate (Args : Py_Args) return PyObject;

   package Py_Shape_Dummy_Method is new Py_Bind.Py_Functions.Raw_Method
     ("dummy", Dummy_Method, Py_Shape, Doc => "Dummy doc");

   package Py_Shape_Translate is new Py_Bind.Py_Functions.Raw_Method
     ("translate", Py_Translate, Py_Shape,
      Doc => "Dummy doc",
      Profile => Create_Profile ((Arg_Spec ("self", Py_Shape.Py_Type),
                                  Arg_Spec ("move", Py_Point.Py_Type))));

   procedure Initialize_Module;
   pragma Export (C, Initialize_Module, "initgen");
   --  The initialize procedure needs to be named
   --  init{name_of_the_python_module} for the dynamic library to work from python.
end Shape.Py_Bind;

The code of the module body, which contains the body of setters, as well as the Initialize_Module stub, is omitted here, but you can check a complete example here.


ada-py-bind was mildly inspired by pybind11. However, several things make it impossible to make ada-py-bind as expressive:

  1. Lack of implicit generic instantiation will force a lot of boilerplate.
  2. Lack of pointer to data members will force having getters and setters for every data member.
  3. Lack of variadic generics, along with the fact that an Ada formal parameter has a lot more attributes than just the type, that are not stored in the type (mode, constness, aliasing, etc), make it impossible to create a generic, or even a group of generics, that will automatically bind an Ada function to a Python one.