is a repository of high-performing and benchmarked
hierarchical reinforcement learning models and algorithms. This repository is
motivated by, and partially adapted from, the
baselines and
stable-baselines repositories.
You can learn more about the supported models and algorithms within this repository by reviewing this README.
- Setup Instructions
1.1. Basic Installation
1.2. Installing MuJoCo
1.3. Importing AntGather
1.4. Installing Flow - Supported Models/Algorithms
2.1. RL Algorithms
2.1.1. Synchronous Updates
2.2. Fully Connected Neural Networks
2.3. Goal-Conditioned HRL
2.3.1. Meta Period
2.3.2. Intrinsic Rewards
2.3.3. HIRO (Data Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning)
2.3.4. HAC (Learning Multi-level Hierarchies With Hindsight)
2.3.5. CHER (Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning)
2.4. Multi-Agent Policies - Environments
3.1. MuJoCo Environments
3.2. Flow Environments - Citing
- Bibliography
To install the h-baselines repository, begin by opening a terminal and set the working directory of the terminal to match
cd path/to/h-baselines
Next, create and activate a conda environment for this repository by running the commands in the script below. Note that this is not required, but highly recommended. If you do not have Anaconda on your device, refer to the provided links to install either Anaconda or Miniconda.
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate h-baselines
Finally, install the contents of the repository onto your conda environment (or your local python build) by running the following command:
pip install -e .
If you would like to (optionally) validate that the repository was successfully installed and is running, you can do so by executing the unit tests as follows:
The test should return a message along the lines of:
Ran XXX tests in YYYs
In order to run the MuJoCo environments described within the README, you
will need to install MuJoCo and the mujoco-py package. To install both
components follow the setup instructions located
here. This package should work
with all versions of MuJoCo (with some changes likely to the version of
provided); however, the algorithms have been benchmarked to
perform well on mujoco-py==
To properly import and run the AntGather environment, you will need to
first clone and install the rllab
library. You can do so running the
following commands:
git clone https://github.com/rll/rllab.git
cd rllab
python setup.py develop
git submodule add -f https://github.com/florensacc/snn4hrl.git sandbox/snn4hrl
While all other environments run on all version of MuJoCo, this one will require MuJoCo-1.3.1. You may also need to install some missing packages as well that are required by rllab. If you're installation is successful, the following command should not fail:
python experiments/run_fcnet.py "AntGather"
When benchmarking this environment, we modified the control range and frame
skip to match those used for the other Ant environments. If you would like to
recreate these results and replay any pretrained policies, you will need to
modify the rllab module such that the git diff
of the repository returns
the following:
--- a/rllab/envs/mujoco/mujoco_env.py
+++ b/rllab/envs/mujoco/mujoco_env.py
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class MujocoEnv(Env):
size = self.model.numeric_size.flat[init_qpos_id]
init_qpos = self.model.numeric_data.flat[addr:addr + size]
self.init_qpos = init_qpos
+ self.frame_skip = 5
self.dcom = None
self.current_com = None
diff --git a/vendor/mujoco_models/ant.xml b/vendor/mujoco_models/ant.xml
index 1ee575e..906f350 100644
--- a/vendor/mujoco_models/ant.xml
+++ b/vendor/mujoco_models/ant.xml
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
- <motor joint="hip_4" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="ankle_4" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="hip_1" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="ankle_1" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="hip_2" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="ankle_2" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="hip_3" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
- <motor joint="ankle_3" ctrlrange="-150.0 150.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="hip_4" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="ankle_4" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="hip_1" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="ankle_1" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="hip_2" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="ankle_2" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="hip_3" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
+ <motor joint="ankle_3" ctrlrange="-30.0 30.0" ctrllimited="true" />
In order to run any of the mixed-autonomy traffic flow tasks describe here, you fill need to install the flow library, along with any necessary third-party tools. To do so, following the commands located on this link. If your installation was successful, should run without failing:
python experiments/run_fcnet.py "ring-v0"
Once you've installed Flow, you will also be able to run all training environments located in the flow/examples folder from this repository as well. These can be accessed by appending "flow:" to the environment name when running the scripts in h-baselines/experiments. For example, if you would like to run the "singleagent_ring" environment in flow/example/rl/exp_configs, run:
python experiments/run_fcnet.py "flow:singleagent_ring"
This repository currently supports the use several algorithms of goal-conditioned hierarchical reinforcement learning models.
This repository supports the training of policies via two off-policy RL algorithms: TD3 and SAC, as well as two on-policy RL algorithms: TRPO and PPO.
To train a policy using this algorithm, create a RLAlgorithm
and execute the learn
method, providing the algorithm the proper policy
along the process:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.fcnet.td3 import FeedForwardPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
# create the algorithm object
alg = RLAlgorithm(policy=FeedForwardPolicy, env="AntGather")
# train the policy for the allotted number of timesteps
The specific algorithm that is executed is defined by the policy that is provided. If, for example, you would like to switch the above script to train a feed-forward policy using the SAC, TRPO, or PPO algorithms, then the policy must simply be changed to:
from hbaselines.fcnet.sac import FeedForwardPolicy # for SAC
from hbaselines.fcnet.trpo import FeedForwardPolicy # for TRPO
from hbaselines.fcnet.ppo import FeedForwardPolicy # for PPO
You can find the names of the hyperparameters and modifiable features of this
algorithm by type in a python script help(RLAlgorithm.__init__)
This repository supports parallelism via synchronous updates to speed up
training for environments that are relatively slow to simulate. In order to do
so, a specified number of environments are instantiated and updated in parallel
for a number of rollout steps before calling the next policy update operation,
as seen in the figure below. The number of environments in this case must be
less than or equal to the number of rollout steps, as specified under
To assign multiple CPUs/environments for a given training algorithm, set the
term as seen below:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# set num_envs as seen in the above figure
# set nb_rollout step as seen in the above figure
We include a generic feed-forward neural network within the repository to validate the performance of typically used neural network model on the benchmarked environments. This consists of a pair of actor and critic fully connected networks with a tanh nonlinearity at the output layer of the actor. The output of the actors for the off-policy algorithms (TD3 and SAC) are also scaled to match the desired action space.
The feed-forward policy can be imported by including the following script:
# for TD3
from hbaselines.fcnet.td3 import FeedForwardPolicy
# for SAC
from hbaselines.fcnet.sac import FeedForwardPolicy
# for TRPO
from hbaselines.fcnet.trpo import FeedForwardPolicy
# for PPO
from hbaselines.fcnet.ppo import FeedForwardPolicy
This model can then be included to the algorithm via the policy
You can find the input parameters for each of these policies by typing
once the desired policy has been imported.
When using the algorithm object, these parameters can be assigned by via the
term. For example, if you would like to train a fully connected
network using the TD3 algorithm with a hidden size of [64, 64], this could be
done as such:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.fcnet.td3 import FeedForwardPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
# create the algorithm object
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# modify the network to include a hidden shape of [64, 64]
"layers": [64, 64],
# train the policy for the allotted number of timesteps
terms that are not specified are assigned default parameters. These default terms are available via the following command:from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import FEEDFORWARD_PARAMS print(FEEDFORWARD_PARAMS)Additional algorithm-specific default policy parameters can be found via the following commands:
# for TD3 from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import TD3_PARAMS print(TD3_PARAMS) # for SAC from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import SAC_PARAMS print(SAC_PARAMS) # for TRPO from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import TRPO_PARAMS print(TRPO_PARAMS) # for PPO from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import PPO_PARAMS print(PPO_PARAMS)
Goal-conditioned HRL models, also known as feudal models, are a variant of hierarchical models that have been widely studied in the HRL community. This repository supports a multi-level (2+ levels) variant of this policy, with a 2-level version of this depicted in the figure to the right. This hierarchy consists of sequences of meta-policies, , which assign goals to the policy within the hierarchy immediately below them, . The lowest level within the hierarchy, , sometimes referred to as the worker policy, then performs environmental actions in an attempt to achieve the goal assigned to it within the environment.
The "goals" assigned by the meta-policies denote a desired state, or relative change in state, that is deemed advantageous by the meta-policies. This behavior is then encouraged in the learning procedure via an intrinsic reward function: (e.g. desired position to move to) which we further discuss in Section 2.3.2. The highest level meta-policy receives the original environmental reward function to solve for the true objective of the assigned task.
The available algorithmic-specific variants of this policy can be imported in a python script via the following command:
# for TD3
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy
# for SAC
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.sac import GoalConditionedPolicy
All the parameters specified within the Fully Connected Neural Networks section are valid for this policy as well. Further relevant parameters are described in the subsequent sections below.
Note: All
terms that are not specified are assigned default parameters. These default terms are available via the following command:from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import GOAL_CONDITIONED_PARAMS print(GOAL_CONDITIONED_PARAMS)Moreover, similar to the feed-forward policy, additional algorithm-specific default policy parameters can be found via the following commands:
# for TD3 from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import TD3_PARAMS print(TD3_PARAMS) # for SAC from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import SAC_PARAMS print(SAC_PARAMS)
The meta-policy action period is the number of a lower-level policy is assigned
to perform the desired goal before it is assigned a new goal by the policy
above it. It can be specified to the policy during training by passing the term
under the meta_period
policy parameter. This can be assigned through the
algorithm as follows:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# specify the meta-policy action period
"meta_period": 10
The intrinsic rewards, or , define the rewards assigned to the lower level policies for achieving goals assigned by the policies immediately above them. The choice of intrinsic reward can have a significant effect on the training performance of both the upper and lower level policies. Currently, this repository supports the use of two intrinsic reward functions:
negative_distance: This is of the form:
is set to False, andif
is set to True. This attribute is described in the section on HIRO. -
non_negative_distance: This reward function is designed to maintain a positive value within the intrinsic rewards to prevent the lower-level agents from being incentivized from falling/dying in environments that can terminate prematurely. This is done by offsetting the value by the maximum assignable distance, assuming that the states always fall within the goal space (, ). This reward is of the form:
is set to False, andif
is set to True. This attribute is described in the section on HIRO. -
exp_negative_distance: This reward function is designed to maintain the reward between 0 and 1 for environments that may terminate prematurely. This is of the form:
is set to False, andif
is set to True. This attribute is described in the section on HIRO.
Intrinsic rewards of the form above are not scaled by the any term, and as such may be dominated by the largest term in the goal space. To circumvent this, we also include a scaled variant of each of the above intrinsic rewards were the states and goals are divided by goal space of the higher level policies. The new scaled rewards are then:
where is the goal-space high values and are the goal-space low values. These intrinsic rewards can be used by initializing the string with "scaled_", for example: scaled_negative_distance, scaled_non_negative_distance, or scaled_exp_negative_distance.
To assign your choice of intrinsic rewards when training a hierarchical policy,
set the intrinsic_reward_type
attribute to the type of intrinsic reward you
would like to use:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# assign the intrinsic reward you would like to use
"intrinsic_reward_type": "scaled_negative_distance"
The HIRO [3] algorithm provides two primary contributions to improve training of generic goal-conditioned hierarchical policies.
First of all, the HIRO algorithm redefines the assigned goals from absolute desired states to relative changes in states. This is done by redefining the reward intrinsic rewards provided to the Worker policies (see the Intrinsic Rewards section). In order to maintain the same absolute position of the goal regardless of state change, a fixed goal-transition function is used in between goal-updates by the manager policy. The goal transition function is accordingly defined as:
In order to use relative goals when training a hierarchical policy, set
the relative_goals
parameter to True:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# add this line to include HIRO-style relative goals
"relative_goals": True
Second, HIRO addresses the non-stationarity effects between the Manager and Worker policies, which can have a detrimental effect particularly in off-policy training, by relabeling the manager actions (or goals) to make the actual observed action sequence more likely to have happened with respect to the current instantiation of the Worker policy. This is done by sampling a sequence of potential goals sampled via a Gaussian centered at and choosing the candidate goal that maximizes the log-probability of the actions that were originally performed by the Worker.
In order to use HIRO's goal relabeling (or off-policy corrections) procedure
when training a hierarchical policy, set the off_policy_corrections
to True:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# add this line to include HIRO-style off policy corrections
"off_policy_corrections": True
The HAC algorithm [5] attempts to address non-stationarity between levels of a goal-conditioned hierarchy by employing various forms of hindsight to samples within the replay buffer.
Hindsight action transitions assist by training each subgoal policy with respect to a transition function that simulates the optimal lower level policy hierarchy. This is done by by replacing the action performed by the manager with the subgoal state achieved in hindsight. For example, given an original sub-policy transition:
sample = {
"meta observation": s_0,
"meta action" g_0,
"meta reward" r,
"worker observations" [
(s_0, g_0),
(s_1, h(g_0, s_0, s_1)),
(s_k, h(g_{k-1}, s_{k-1}, s_k))
"worker actions" [
"intrinsic rewards": [
r_w(s_0, g_0, s_1),
r_w(s_1, h(g_0, s_0, s_1), s_2),
r_w(s_{k-1}, h(g_{k-1}, s_{k-1}, s_k), s_k)
The original goal is relabeled to match the original as follows:
sample = {
"meta observation": s_0,
"meta action" s_k, <---- the changed component
"meta reward" r,
"worker observations" [
(s_0, g_0),
(s_1, h(g_0, s_0, s_1)),
(s_k, h(g_{k-1}, s_{k-1}, s_k))
"worker actions" [
"intrinsic rewards": [
r_w(s_0, g_0, s_1),
r_w(s_1, h(g_0, s_0, s_1), s_2),
r_w(s_{k-1}, h(g_{k-1}, s_{k-1}, s_k), s_k)
In cases when the relative_goals
feature is being employed, the hindsight
goal is labeled using the inverse goal transition function. In other words, for
a sample with a meta period of length , the goal for every worker for every
worker observation indexed by is:
The "meta action", as represented in the example above, is then .
Hindsight goal transitions extend the use of hindsight to the worker observations and intrinsic rewards within the sample as well. This is done by modifying the relevant worker-specific features as follows:
sample = {
"meta observation": s_0,
"meta action" \bar{g}_0,
"meta reward" r,
"worker observations" [ <------------
(s_0, \bar{g}_0), |
(s_1, \bar{g}_1), |---- the changed components
... |
(s_k, \bar{g}_k) |
], <---------------------------------
"worker actions" [
"intrinsic rewards": [ <-------------
r_w(s_0, \bar{g}_0, s_1), |
r_w(s_1, \bar{g}_1,, s_2), |---- the changed components
... |
r_w(s_{k-1}, \bar{g}_k, s_k) |
] <----------------------------------
where for is equal to if relative_goals
is False and is defined by the equation above if set to True.
Finally, sub-goal testing promotes exploration when using hindsight by
storing the original (non-hindsight) sample in the replay buffer as well. This
happens at a rate defined by the subgoal_testing_rate
In order to use hindsight action and goal transitions when training a
hierarchical policy, set the hindsight
parameter to True:
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# include hindsight action and goal transitions in the replay buffer
"hindsight": True,
# specify the sub-goal testing rate
"subgoal_testing_rate": 0.3
The CHER algorithm [4] attempts to promote cooperation between Manager and Worker policies in a goal-conditioned hierarchy by including a weighted cooperative gradient term to the Manager's gradient update procedure (see the right figure below).
Under this formulation, the Manager's update step is defined as:
To use the cooperative gradient update procedure, set the
term in policy_kwargs
to True. The weighting
term ( in the above equation), can be modified via the
term (see the example below).
from hbaselines.algorithms import RLAlgorithm
from hbaselines.goal_conditioned.td3 import GoalConditionedPolicy # for TD3 algorithm
alg = RLAlgorithm(
# add this line to include the cooperative gradient update procedure
# for the higher-level policies
"cooperative_gradients": True,
# specify the cooperative gradient (lambda) weight
"cg_weights": 0.01
This repository also supports the training of multi-agent variant of both the fully connected and goal-conditioned policies. The fully-connected policies are import via the following commands:
# for TD3
from hbaselines.multiagent.td3 import MultiFeedForwardPolicy
# for SAC
from hbaselines.multiagent.sac import MultiFeedForwardPolicy
# for TRPO
from hbaselines.multiagent.trpo import MultiFeedForwardPolicy
# for PPO
from hbaselines.multiagent.ppo import MultiFeedForwardPolicy
Moreover, the hierarchical variants are import via the following commands:
# for TD3
from hbaselines.multiagent.h_td3 import MultiGoalConditionedPolicy
# for SAC
from hbaselines.multiagent.h_sac import MultiGoalConditionedPolicy
These policies support training three popular multi-agent algorithmic variants:
Independent learners: Independent (or Naive) learners provide a separate policy with independent parameters to each agent in an environment. Within this setting, agents are provided separate observations and reward signals, and store their samples and perform updates separately. A review of independent learners in reinforcement learning can be found here: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00720669/document
To train a policy using independent learners, do not modify any policy-specific attributes:
from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import RLAlgorithm from hbaselines.multiagent.td3 import MultiFeedForwardPolicy # for TD3 alg = RLAlgorithm( policy=MultiFeedForwardPolicy, env="...", # replace with an appropriate environment policy_kwargs={} )
Shared policies: Unlike the independent learners formulation, shared policies utilize a single policy with shared parameters for all agents within the network. Moreover, the samples experienced by all agents are stored within one unified replay buffer. See the following link for an early review of the benefit of shared policies: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
To train a policy using the shared policy feature, set the
attribute to True:from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import RLAlgorithm from hbaselines.multiagent.td3 import MultiFeedForwardPolicy # for TD3 alg = RLAlgorithm( policy=MultiFeedForwardPolicy, env="...", # replace with an appropriate environment policy_kwargs={ "shared": True, } )
MADDPG: We implement algorithmic-variants of MAPPG for all supported off-policy RL algorithms. See: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.02275.pdf
To train a policy using their MADDPG variants as opposed to independent learners, algorithm, set the
attribute to True:from hbaselines.algorithms.rl_algorithm import RLAlgorithm from hbaselines.multiagent.td3 import MultiFeedForwardPolicy # for TD3 alg = RLAlgorithm( policy=MultiFeedForwardPolicy, env="...", # replace with an appropriate environment policy_kwargs={ "maddpg": True, "shared": False, # or True } )
This works for both shared and non-shared policies. For shared policies, we use a single centralized value function instead of a value function for each agent.
Note: MADDPG variants of the on-policy methods (TRPO and PPO) as well as the goal-conditioned hierarchies are currently not supported.
We benchmark the performance of all algorithms on a set of standardized Mujoco [7] (robotics) and Flow [8] (mixed-autonomy traffic) benchmarks. A description of each of the studied environments can be found below.
This task was initially provided by [6].
In this task, a quadrupedal (Ant) agent is placed in a 20x20 space with 8 apples and 8 bombs. The agent receives a reward of +1 or collecting an apple and -1 for collecting a bomb. All other actions yield a reward of 0.
This task was initially provided by [3].
In this task, immovable blocks are placed to confine the agent to a U-shaped corridor. That is, blocks are placed everywhere except at (0,0), (8,0), (16,0), (16,8), (16,16), (8,16), and (0,16). The agent is initialized at position (0,0) and tasked at reaching a specific target position. "Success" in this environment is defined as being within an L2 distance of 5 from the target.
This task was initially provided by [3].
In this task, immovable blocks are placed every where except at (0,0), (-8,0), (-8,8), (0,8), (8,8), (16,8), and (0,16), and a movable block is placed at (0,8). The agent is initialized at position (0,0), and is tasked with the objective of reaching position (0,19). Therefore, the agent must first move to the left, push the movable block to the right, and then finally navigate to the target. "Success" in this environment is defined as being within an L2 distance of 5 from the target.
This task was initially provided by [3].
In this task, the agent is initialized on a platform of height 4. Immovable blocks are placed everywhere except at (-8,0), (0,0), (-8,8), (0,8), (-8,16), (0,16), (-8,24), and (0,24). The raised platform is absent in the region [-4,12]x[12,20], and a movable block is placed at (8,8). The agent is initialized at position (0,0,4.5), and is with the objective of reaching position (0,27,4.5). Therefore, to achieve this, the agent must first push the movable block into the chasm and walk on top of it before navigating to the target. "Success" in this environment is defined as being within an L2 distance of 5 from the target.
We also explore the use of hierarchical policies on a suite of mixed-autonomy traffic control tasks, built off the Flow [8] framework for RL in microscopic (vehicle-level) traffic simulators. Within these environments, a subset of vehicles in any given network are replaced with "automated" vehicles whose actions are provided on an RL policy. A description of the attributes of the MDP within these tasks is provided in the following subsections. Additional information can be found through the environment classes and flow-specific parameters.
The below table describes all available tasks within this repository to train
on. Any of these environments can be used by passing the environment name to
the env
parameter in the algorithm class. The multi-agent variants of these
environments can also be trained by adding "multiagent-" to the start of the
environment name (e.g. "multiagent-ring-v0").
Network type | Environment name | number of AVs | total vehicles | AV ratio | inflow rate (veh/hr) | acceleration penalty | stopping penalty |
ring | ring | 1 | 22 | 1/22 | -- | yes | yes |
merge | merge-v0 | ~5 | ~50 | 1/10 | 2000 | yes | no |
merge-v1 | ~13 | ~50 | 1/4 | 2000 | yes | no | |
merge-v2 | ~17 | ~50 | 1/3 | 2000 | yes | no | |
highway | highway-v0 | ~10 | ~150 | 1/12 | 2215 | yes | yes |
highway-v1 | ~10 | ~150 | 1/12 | 2215 | yes | no | |
highway-v2 | ~10 | ~150 | 1/12 | 2215 | no | no | |
I-210 | i210-v0 | ~50 | ~800 | 1/15 | 10250 | yes | yes |
i210-v1 | ~50 | ~800 | 1/15 | 10250 | yes | no | |
i210-v2 | ~50 | ~800 | 1/15 | 10250 | no | no |
The state for any of these environments consists of the speeds and bumper-to-bumper gaps of the vehicles immediately preceding and following the AVs, as well as the speed of the AVs, i.e. . In single agent settings, these observations are concatenated in a single observation that is passed to a centralized policy.
In order to account for variability in the number of AVs () in the single agent setting, a constant term is defined. When , information from the extra CAVs are not included in the state. Moreover, if the state is padded with zeros.
The actions consist of a list of bounded accelerations for each AV, i.e. , where and are the minimum and maximum accelerations, respectively. In the single agent setting, all actions are provided as an output from a single policy.
Once again, an term is used to handle variable numbers of AVs in the single agent setting. If the extra AVs are treated as human-driven vehicles and their states are updated using human driver models. Moreover, if , the extra actions are ignored.
The reward provided by the environment is equal to the negative vector normal of the distance between the speed of all vehicles in the network and a desired speed, and is offset by largest possible negative term to ensure non-negativity if environments terminate prematurely. The exact mathematical formulation of this reward is:
where is the speed of the individual vehicles, is the desired speed, and is the number of vehicles in the network.
This reward may only include two penalties:
- acceleration penalty: If set to True in env_params, the negative of the sum of squares of the accelerations by the AVs is added to the reward.
- stopping penalty: If set to True in env_params, a penalty of -5 is added to the reward for every RL vehicle that is not moving.
We investigate the performance of our algorithms on a variety of network configurations demonstrating diverse traffic instabilities and forms of congestion. This networks are detailed below.
This scenario consists of 22 vehicles (1 of which are automated) on a sing-lane circular track of length 220-270 m. In the absence of the automated vehicle, the human-driven vehicles exhibit stop-and-go instabilities brought about by the string-unstable characteristic of human car-following dynamics.
This scenarios is adapted from the following article [9]. It consists of a single-lane highway network with an on-ramp used to generate periodic perturbations to sustain congested behavior. In order to model the effect of p% AV penetration on the network, every 100/pth vehicle is replaced with an automated vehicle whose actions are sampled from an RL policy.
This scenario consists of a single lane highway in which downstream traffic instabilities brought about by an edge with a reduced speed limit generate congestion in the form of stop-and-go waves. In order to model the effect of p% AV penetration on the network, every 100/pth vehicle is replaced with an automated vehicle whose actions are sampled from an RL policy.
This scenario is a recreation of a subsection of the I-210 network in Los Angeles, CA. For the moment, the on-ramps and off-ramps are disabled within this network, rendering it similar to a multi-lane variant of the highway network.
To cite this repository in publications, use the following:
Kreidieh, Abdul Rahman, et al. "Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02368 (2019). [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.02368
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