Base Directory: QeexoAutoML
solution-name | solution YML |
MLOps | MLOps.csolution.yml |
project-name | project YML |
ML_Test | ML_Test.cproject.yml |
target-type | Target processor | model-executable |
CM4_FP | Cortex-M4_FP | FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M4 |
CM7 | Cortex-M7 | FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M7 |
CM33 | Cortex-M33 | FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M33 |
CM55 | Cortex-M55 | FVP_Corstone_SSE-300 |
CM85 | Cortex-M85 | FVP_Corstone_SSE-310 |
CM55_Ethos | Cortex-M55 with Ethos-U55 | FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 |
CM85_Ethos | Cortex-M85 with Ethos-U65 | FVP_Corstone_SSE-310_Ethos-U65 |
build-type |
balanced |
size |
speed |
toolchain |
AC6 |
GCC (default) |
Build command syntax:
cbuild MLOps.csolution.yml [--context [<project-name>][.<build-type>][+<target-type>]] [--toolchain <toolchain>]
- Build Test for Cortex-M7 with AC6 (size)
cbuild MLOps.csolution.yml --context .size+CM7 --toolchain AC6
- Build Test for Cortex-M7 with AC6 (size, size, speed)
cbuild MLOps.csolution.yml --context +CM7 --toolchain AC6
- Build Test for all cores with GCC (size, size, speed)
cbuild MLOps.csolution.yml
Run command syntax:
<model-executable> -f ./Target/<target_type>/fvp_config.txt ./out/ML_test/<target-type>/<build-type>/ML_Test.axf --simlimit 10
- Run Test on model for Cortex-M7 (size)
FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M7 -f ./Target/CM7/fvp_config.txt ./out/ML_Test/CM7/size/ML_Test.axf --simlimit 10
- Run Test on model for Cortex-M55 with Ethos (size)
FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -f ./Target/CM55_Ethos/fvp_config.txt ./out/ML_Test/CM55_Ethos/size/ML_Test.axf --simlimit 10
Command syntax:
eventlist -s EventRecorder.log