Training models for Citron requires data in Citron's Annotation Format. Suitable data can be extracted from PARC 3.0 and PDTB v2.0 using the following scripts.
To retrain the Coreference Resolver suitable data can also be extracted from the CoNLL-2011 Shared Task dataset.
All scripts require the Citron project directory in the PYTHONPATH.
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/citron
All scripts share the following parameters:
-h, --help (Optional: show help message and exit)
-v (Optional: verbose mode)
This is an optional script to extract coreference information from CoNLL-2011.
--pdtb-path Path to: pdtb_v2/data/raw/wsj
--conll-path Path to conll-2011
--output-path Path to output directory
This scripts extracts data from PARC 3.0 and PDTB v2.0.
--parc-path Path to: PARC3_complete directory
--pdtb-path Path to: pdtb_v2/data/raw/wsj
--conll-path Path to output directory of (Optional: required to train CoreferenceResolver)
--output-path Path to output directory
This is an optional script which removes sentences from PARC 3.0 which have missing annotations. Removing these sentences from the training data can improve the performance of Citron's components.
A Cue Classifier is first trained with the untrimmed data obtained from The Cue Classifier is then used with to identify and remove the problem sentences. All Citron's components can then be trained with the trimmed data.
--input-path Path to output directory of
--output-path Path to output directory
--model-path Path to Citron model directory (containing cue-classifier.pickle)
Copyright 2021 British Broadcasting Corporation.