Releases: AMReX-Astro/Microphysics
Microphysics 20.02
Added a C++ header file, actual_network.H, that defines the
network size. This is the start of making making the
microphysics routines available in C++. -
regenerated the pynucastro networks with the latest weak rate
formulations from pynucastro.
Microphysics 20.01
The burn_t type no longer includes ydot or jac -- this allows
us to optimize the memory access on GPUs (#220) -
The original VODE integrator was removed and the Fortran 90
version VODE90 was renamed to VODE. (#221) -
The test_react unit tests no longer require a composition inputs
file (xin*). They now create the composition profile at runtime.
Microphysics 19.12
Simplified SDC integration now uses the same retry strategy
as the default (non-SDC) integration. (#215) -
VODE90 can now participate in the retry strategy that was
previously available to the VODE integrator, where it can
switch to the BS integrator if loosening the tolerances
does not allow the burn to complete. (#201) -
The parameter ode_max_steps was made consistent in VODE and
VODE90; in some places it was being ignored. (#214) -
The helmholtz EOS was restructured, splitting the different
components into different functions and optimizing the memory
accesses. (#200) -
The derivatives with respect to mass fraction (dpdX, dedX, dhdX)
were removed from eos_t and are now available through a new type,
eos_xderivs_t and the composition_derivatives() routine. (#207) -
A bug in the screening of the C12+C12 and O16+O16 rates in iso7
was fixed. -
The test_eos unit test now outputs all of the variables in the
eos_t type.
Microphysics 19.11
VODE90 now works with the simplified SDC time step algorithms,
and the preprocessor option for this SDC was changed to
rprox now works on GPUs
Microphysics 19.10
-- The iso7 network was ported to GPUs (#172)
-- VODE90 now better agrees with VODE (#192)
-- When building with multiple integrators, the contents of the rpar
modules could clash. This has been fixedc (#136)
-- A module for making the "Nonaka plot" tracking the evolution of a
quantity during the burn was added, and is enabled with
StarKiller Microphysics 19.08
Microphysics 19.08
Microphysics 19.06
Microphysics 19.06
Microphysics 19.05
Microphysics 19.05