Python module to configure, control and monitor IcePAP based systems.
From within your favourite python environment:
NOTE: PyQT5 5.15.2 has a bug:
pip install PyQT5==5.15.1 icepapcms
To use MySQL Databases you should install mysqlclient
To use PostgreSQL Databeses you should install psycopg2
You can find how to contribute to this project on file.
The LDAP configuration is located on the icepapcms configuration file:
<user home>/.icepapcms/icepapcms.conf
The section "ldap" should have the next configuration:
use = True
not_allowed = root, operator, xxxxx
servers = 'ldap://','ldap://'
user_template = 'uid={},ou=Users,dc=Company,dc=XX'
The all networks flag is allowed: icepapcms --all-networks
To avoid launching icepapcms with the flag all the time, it is possible to configure it on the icepapcms configuration file:
<user home>/.icepapcms/icepapcms.conf
The section "all_networks" should have the next configuration:
use = True