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Development Environment |
/dev-env/ |
brucellino |
constructocat2.jpg |
You will need :
{% for tool in %}
- {{ }}: {{ tool.more }}. More {% endfor %}
Suggested applications and libraries
We expect you to know your application stack well and use whichever tools make sense to you. It is very useful to have a REST inspector in your browser for testing, and we suggest using Postman for testing how your code uses the APIs of the various components of the platform.
Here are a few suggestions for language-specific stacks:
- Python : Python Requests
- Ruby : HTTParty
We have set up access to a machine (via ssh) which is preconfigured as a development environment. We use your ssh keys from your github account to provide you access (see the [before checklist]({{ site.url}}/before-checklist/)). In order to access the machine, you should use your github username :
ssh <gihtub username>
e.g. :
This machie hass been provisioned with most of the tools we mention above, so that you can do the warmup sessions during hte hackfest. However, it will be destroyed soon after the hackfest; it may be easier and more comfortable to work on your own machine, or a remote development environment closer to home.
You can use the same Ansible playbook that we use to set up the development environment. Some tweaking on your part may be necessary (and we would welcome pull requests for things you consider necessary !), but here's what to do when setting up the development environment :
- Clone the Hackfest-Prep repo :
git clone
- Get Ansible, if you don't : see Ansible website
- The playbooks are in
- Run the playbook against your local machine :
ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local development-environment.yml
More details coming soon
We're working on a Docker image for you to use. Stay tuned. Coming soon