- This conversion guide covers the items that have changed in 2E. This includes NPCs and monsters, hazards, DCs, XP, level-based treasure, and some tactics.
- The plot, back story, color text, maps, floor plans, images and most tactics requires the original scenario.
- Creatures, hazards, items, poisons, adjustments, etc. that exist in second edition are usually linked to the relevant entry in Archives of Nethys - second edition.
- New creatures are built using Monster Builder and their JSON, PNG and PDF files are in a sub directory so that you can use or update them for your own campaign as required. In many instances there are several variants available.
- If you find an issue, error, or omission, have a suggestion for improvement, or a better version of something, then create a pull request. This is a community project, and we welcome and rely on community contributions.
- Treasure by level allocation
- Level 4: At start of the book the party are at or within 200xp of level 5 and should have received all level 4 treasure in book 1
- Level 5: After the initial murder investigation
- Level 6: After they reach Foxglove Manor
- Level 7: After they reach Magnimar
- Level 8: The party should be close to level 8 at the end of the book and therefore should receive all of the level 7 treasure in this book
Target for this book is therefore 3000 level adjusted XP
Level | Total gp | Permanent Items (P_) | Consumables (C_) | Cash | Part |
5 | 1,350gp | 6th: 2 5th: 2 | 6th: 2 5th: 2 4th: 2 | 320gp | |
6 | 2,000gp | 7th: 2 6th: 2 | 7th: 2 6th: 2 5th: 2 | 500gp | |
7 | 2,900gp | 8th: 2 7th: 2 | 8th: 2 7th: 2 6th: 2 | 720gp |
Apply Weak or Elite templates as appropriate to suit the capabilities of your party. If they are finding it hard going then liberally apply weak templates or remove minions. If they are breezing through, then liberally apply elite templates or add minions.
- XP: The XP awards in the book are divided by ten.
- XP: The XP awards in the book are divided by ten.
- XP: The XP awards in the book are divided by ten.
- For Gortus and Gurnak use Elite: Ruffian with darkvision and a level 2 innate darkness cantrip ability.
- Pidget Tergelson (L5) Elite: Large WereRat or WereFirepeltCougar (using the Weretiger)
- 4 (L2) Elite: Plague Zombies
- Erin Habe Elite: Surgeon
- Grayst Sevilla Elite: Ruffian
- Caizarlu Zerren use either: Necromancer
- or
- 6 Ghoul Scarecrows
- There are 1.5 Ghoul Scarecrows for each PC (round up)
- 3 Ghoul Scarecrows
- Split them up or remove one Ghoul Scarecrow if your players are having difficulty with the paralysis effect
- Rogors Craesby Ghast
- 1 Ghoul Scarecrow
- add another Ghoul Scarecrow if more than 4 PCs or your party relishes the challenge
- note multiple incapacitation effects can quickly overpower
- For Carrionstorms use 4 Undead Raven Swarms
- if party is level 6 add Elite
- Vorel's Phage Vorels Phage PDF
- Iesha Foxglove Revenant
- 2 Weak Rogors Craesby Ghasts (see above)
- 2 Rogors Craesby Ghasts (see above)
- 4 (L2) Goblin Ghast PDF
- Creatures: 3x (L5) Elite: Faceless Stalkers
- Foxglove's housekeeper/cook/sister is also present as the third stalker as best fits your narrative
- Creatures:
- Add Elite to some of the cultists for a harder challenge and depending on encounter size.
- 13 (L4/5) Cultist (False Priest) wearing Skinsaw Masks
- Justice Ironbriar (L8) Elite: Cult Leader
- Falling Bell: Use the Scythe Blades Hazard with bludgeoning damage
- 4x (L5) Elite: Faceless Stalkers
- Use a suitable form for the stalkers to throw your players off balance and make it chaotic e.g. Xanesha's human form, Ironbriar, The Mayor, City Guard
- Note the terrain here adds to the threat level
- Xanesha (L9) Elite: Lamia Matriarch
- Add Feather Fall to her prepared spells
- optionally use L10 Lucrecia from book 3 for a more challenging encounter.
- Replace the scimitar with Impaler of Thorns (reach 10ft)
- Medusa Mask