DotNetCoreRESTCountry is a nuget package which acts as a Wrapper Library For REST Country API v2.0.5 provided by . REST countries API, includes information like common Name, official Name, TLD,two and three letter country code, ISO numeric code, CIOC,currencies, callingCodes, capital, alternative spellings, region, subRegion, borders, etc.
For Example RestCountry.Currency("cop")
will make the GET Request to the
endpoint of REST Countries API.
Static methods defined in RestCountry class returns a list of Country objects. Access the properties defined in Country class to get various information about the countries.
Methods defined in RestCountry Class takes in a list of strings as optional second parameter which filters the output of your request to include only the specified fields.
Make asynchronous requests to the API using the Async version of methods defined in RestCountry Class.
using DotNetRestCountries; // Reference Nuget Package
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TestConsole
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Call static methods listed in RestCountry class.
// These methods will return a List of Country Objects.
// Use properties in Country Class to access all the informations like name, capital, calling codes, etc. for a given country
List<Country> allCountries = RestCountry.All();
foreach(var con in allCountries)
Console.WriteLine(con.Name + " -- " + con.NativeName + " -- " + con.TopLevelDomain );
// Pass an optional List of filters to obtain results with only the specified properties for countries
// This will return a List of Countries having string "island" in their name.
// Since we passed in the List of filters, the returned Country objects will only have values for Name and Capital Properties.
List<Country> filteredResult = RestCountry.Name("island", new List<string> { Filters.Name, Filters.Capital });
// Make asynchronous requests to the API using the Async version of methods defined in RestCountry Class.
// Makes async request to the RESTCountries endpoint
List<Country> asyncResult = RestCountry.CapitalAsync("Kathmandu");
Thanks to Fayder Florez for developing REST Countries API
This DotNetCoreRESTCountry package is released under MIT License.