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2419 lines (1920 loc) · 57.8 KB

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2419 lines (1920 loc) · 57.8 KB



Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • e157dd1: - Ensure classnames are unique across utilities to prevent potential clash
    • Add support for 4xl border radius token

Patch Changes

  • ec64819: Change recipes className to be optional, both for recipes and slotRecipes, with a fallback to its name.

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/core'
    export default defineConfig({
      recipes: {
        button: {
          className: 'button', // 👈 was mandatory, is now optional
          variants: {
            size: {
              sm: { padding: '2', borderRadius: 'sm' },
              md: { padding: '4', borderRadius: 'md' },
  • Updated dependencies [e157dd1]

  • Updated dependencies [19c3a2c]

  • Updated dependencies [f00ff88]

  • Updated dependencies [ec64819]

  • Updated dependencies [17a1932]


Patch Changes

  • 2750261: Fix an issue where spreading an identifier in a sva slots array would prevent expected CSS from being generated

    import { sva } from 'styled-system/css'
    const parts = ['positioner', 'content']
    const card = sva({
      slots: [], // <- spreading here was causing the below CSS not to be generated, it's now fixed ✅
      base: {
        root: {
          p: '6',
  • Updated dependencies [2750261]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • df2546a: BREAKING 💥

    Remove linkBox pattern in favor of using adding position: relative when using the linkOverlay pattern.


    import { linkBox, linkOverlay } from 'styled-system/patterns'
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <div className={linkBox()}>
          <img src="" alt="placeholder" />
          <a href="#" className={linkOverlay()}>


    import { css } from 'styled-system/css'
    import { linkOverlay } from 'styled-system/patterns'
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <div className={css({ pos: 'relative' })}>
          <img src="" alt="placeholder" />
          <a href="#" className={linkOverlay()}>

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 96b47b3: Add support for array values in the special css property for the JSX factory and JSX patterns

    This makes it even easier to merge styles from multiple sources.

    import { Stack, styled } from '../styled-system/jsx'
    const HeroSection = (props) => {
      return (
        <Stack css={[{ color: 'blue.300', padding: '4' }, props.css]}>
          <styled.div css={[{ fontSize: '2xl' }, props.hero]}>Hero Section</styled.div>
    const App = () => {
      return (
          <HeroSection css={{ backgroundColor: 'yellow.300' }} hero={css.raw({ fontSize: '4xl', color: 'red.300' })} />

    should render something like:

    <div class="d_flex flex_column gap_10px text_blue.300 p_4 bg_yellow.300">
      <div class="fs_4xl text_red.300">Hero Section</div>
  • 7a96298: Fix Panda imports detection when using tsconfig.baseUrl with an outdir that starts with ./.

  • Updated dependencies [96b47b3]

  • Updated dependencies [bc09d89]

  • Updated dependencies [7a96298]

  • Updated dependencies [2c8b933]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 99870bb: Fix issue where setting the pattern jsx option with dot notation didn't work.

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      patterns: {
        extend: {
          grid: {
            jsx: ['Form.Group', 'Grid'],
          stack: {
            jsx: ['Form.Action', 'Stack'],
  • Updated dependencies [88049c5]

  • Updated dependencies [885963c]

  • Updated dependencies [99870bb]


Patch Changes

  • 7daf159: Fix a bug where some styles would be grouped together in the same rule, even if they were not related to each other.

    Internal details

    This was caused by an object reference being re-used while setting a property deeply in the hashes decoding process, leading to the mutation of a previous style object with additional properties.

  • Updated dependencies [7daf159]

  • Updated dependencies [bcfb5c5]

  • Updated dependencies [6247dfb]


Patch Changes

  • 35bd134: Fix JSX matching with recipes after introducing namespace imports

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      theme: {
        extend: {
          slotRecipes: {
            tabs: {
              className: 'tabs',
              slots: ['root', 'list', 'trigger', 'content', 'indicator'],
              base: {
                root: {
                  display: 'flex',
                  // ...
    const App = () => {
      return (
        // ❌ this was not matched to the `tabs` slot recipe
        // ✅ fixed with this PR
        <Tabs.Root defaultValue="button">
            <Tabs.Trigger value="button">Button</Tabs.Trigger>
            <Tabs.Trigger value="radio">Radio Group</Tabs.Trigger>
            <Tabs.Trigger value="slider">Slider</Tabs.Trigger>
            <Tabs.Indicator />

    We introduced a bug in v0.34.2 where the Tabs.Trigger component was not being matched to the tabs slot recipe, due to the new namespace import feature.

  • Updated dependencies [bd0cb07]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 50db354: Add missing reducers to properly return the results of hooks for config:resolved and parser:before

  • c459b43: Fix extraction of JSX styled factory when using namespace imports

    import * as pandaJsx from '../styled-system/jsx'
    // ✅ this will work now
    pandaJsx.styled('div', { base: { color: 'red' } })
    const App = () => <pandaJsx.styled.span color="blue">Hello</pandaJsx.styled.span>
  • Updated dependencies [50db354]

  • Updated dependencies [c459b43]

  • Updated dependencies [f6befbf]

  • Updated dependencies [a0c4d27]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 0bf09f2: Allow using namespaced imports

    import * as p from 'styled-system/patterns'
    import * as recipes from 'styled-system/recipes'
    import * as panda from 'styled-system/css'
    // this will now be extracted
    p.stack({ mt: '40px' })
    recipes.cardStyle({ rounded: true })
    panda.css({ color: 'red' })
    panda.cva({ base: { color: 'blue' } })
    panda.sva({ base: { root: { color: 'green' } } })
  • Updated dependencies [0bf09f2]

  • Updated dependencies [58388de]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 31071ba: Fix an issue for token names starting with '0'

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          spacing: {
            '025': {
              value: '0.125rem',

    and then using it like

    css({ margin: '025' })

    This would not generate the expected CSS because the parser would try to parse 025 as a number (25) instead of keeping it as a string.

  • 5184771: Using colorPalette with DEFAULT values will now also override the current token path

    Given this config:

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      theme: {
        extend: {
          semanticTokens: {
            colors: {
              bg: {
                primary: {
                  DEFAULT: {
                    value: '{}',
                  base: {
                    value: '{}',
                  hover: {
                    value: '{colors.yellow.300}',

    And this style usage:

    import { css } from 'styled-system/css'
      colorPalette: 'bg.primary',

    This is the difference in the generated css

    @layer utilities {
      .color-palette_bg\\.primary {
    +    --colors-color-palette: var(--colors-bg-primary);
        --colors-color-palette-base: var(--colors-bg-primary-base);
        --colors-color-palette-hover: var(--colors-bg-primary-hover);

    Which means you can now directly reference the current colorPalette like:

    import { css } from 'styled-system/css'
      colorPalette: 'bg.primary',
    +  backgroundColor: 'colorPalette',
  • f419993: - Prevent extracting style props of styled when not explicitly imported

    • Allow using multiple aliases for the same identifier for the /css entrypoints just like /patterns and /recipes
    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { css as css2 } from '../styled-system/css'
    css({ display: 'flex' })
    css2({ flexDirection: 'column' }) // this wasn't working before, now it does
  • Updated dependencies [a032375]

  • Updated dependencies [31071ba]

  • Updated dependencies [f419993]

  • Updated dependencies [89ffb6b]


Minor Changes

  • b32d817: Switch from em to rem for breakpoints and container queries to prevent side effects.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • f0296249: - Sort the longhand/shorthand atomic rules in a deterministic order to prevent property conflicts

    • Automatically merge the base object in the css root styles in the runtime
    • This may be a breaking change depending on how your styles are created


      padding: '1px',
      paddingTop: '3px',
      paddingBottom: '4px',

    Will now always generate the following css:

    @layer utilities {
      .p_1px {
        padding: 1px;
      .pt_3px {
        padding-top: 3px;
      .pb_4px {
        padding-bottom: 4px;

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 6b829cab: Allow configuring the matchTag / matchTagProp functions to customize the way Panda extracts your JSX. This can be especially useful when working with libraries that have properties that look like CSS properties but are not and should be ignored.

    Note: This feature mostly affects users who have jsxStyleProps set to all. This is currently the default.

    Setting it to minimal (which also allows passing the css prop) or none (which disables the extraction of CSS properties) will make this feature less useful.

    Here's an example with Radix UI where the Select.Content component has a position property that should be ignored:

    // Here, the `position` property will be extracted because `position` is a valid CSS property
    <Select.Content position="popper" sideOffset={5}>
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      hooks: {
        'parser:before': ({ configure }) => {
            // ignore the Select.Content entirely
            matchTag: (tag) => tag !== 'Select.Content',
            // ...or specifically ignore the `position` property
            matchTagProp: (tag, prop) => tag === 'Select.Content' && prop !== 'position',
  • Updated dependencies [6b829cab]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • d5977c24: - Add a --logfile flag to the panda, panda codegen, panda cssgen and panda debug commands.

    • Add a logfile option to the postcss plugin

    Logs will be streamed to the file specified by the --logfile flag or the logfile option. This is useful for debugging issues that occur during the build process.

    panda --logfile ./logs/panda.log
    module.exports = {
      plugins: {
        '@pandacss/dev/postcss': {
          logfile: './logs/panda.log',
  • Updated dependencies [0dd45b6a]

  • Updated dependencies [74485ef1]

  • Updated dependencies [ab32d1d7]

  • Updated dependencies [ab32d1d7]

  • Updated dependencies [49c760cd]

  • Updated dependencies [d5977c24]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 7c7340ec: Add support for token references with curly braces like {} in media queries, just like the token( alternative already could.

      // ✅ this is fine now, will resolve to something like
      // `@container (min-width: 56em)`
      '@container (min-width: {sizes.4xl})': {
        color: 'green',

    Fix an issue where the curly token references would not be escaped if the token path was not found.

  • Updated dependencies [5fcdeb75]

  • Updated dependencies [7c7340ec]

  • Updated dependencies [f778d3e5]

  • Updated dependencies [ea3f5548]

  • Updated dependencies [250b4d11]

  • Updated dependencies [a2fb5cc6]


Minor Changes

  • f58f6df2: Refactor config.hooks to be much more powerful, you can now:

    • Tweak the config after it has been resolved (after presets are loaded and merged), this could be used to dynamically load all recipes from a folder
    • Transform a source file's content before parsing it, this could be used to transform the file content to a tsx-friendly syntax so that Panda's parser can parse it.
    • Implement your own parser logic and add the extracted results to the classic Panda pipeline, this could be used to parse style usage from any template language
    • Tweak the CSS content for any @layer or even right before it's written to disk (if using the CLI) or injected through the postcss plugin, allowing all kinds of customizations like removing the unused CSS variables, etc.
    • React to any config change or after the codegen step (your outdir, the styled-system folder) have been generated

    See the list of available config.hooks here:

    export interface PandaHooks {
       * Called when the config is resolved, after all the presets are loaded and merged.
       * This is the first hook called, you can use it to tweak the config before the context is created.
      'config:resolved': (args: { conf: LoadConfigResult }) => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called when the Panda context has been created and the API is ready to be used.
      'context:created': (args: { ctx: ApiInterface; logger: LoggerInterface }) => void
       * Called when the config file or one of its dependencies (imports) has changed.
      'config:change': (args: { config: UserConfig }) => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called after reading the file content but before parsing it.
       * You can use this hook to transform the file content to a tsx-friendly syntax so that Panda's parser can parse it.
       * You can also use this hook to parse the file's content on your side using a custom parser, in this case you don't have to return anything.
      'parser:before': (args: { filePath: string; content: string }) => string | void
       * Called after the file styles are extracted and processed into the resulting ParserResult object.
       * You can also use this hook to add your own extraction results from your custom parser to the ParserResult object.
      'parser:after': (args: { filePath: string; result: ParserResultInterface | undefined }) => void
       * Called after the codegen is completed
      'codegen:done': () => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called right before adding the design-system CSS (global, static, preflight, tokens, keyframes) to the final CSS
       * Called right before writing/injecting the final CSS (styles.css) that contains the design-system CSS and the parser CSS
       * You can use it to tweak the CSS content before it's written to disk or injected through the postcss plugin.
      'cssgen:done': (args: {
        artifact: 'global' | 'static' | 'reset' | 'tokens' | 'keyframes' | 'styles.css'
        content: string
      }) => string | void

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 84304901: Improve performance, mostly for the CSS generation by removing a lot of postcss usage (and plugins).

    Public changes:

    • Introduce a new config.lightningcss option to use lightningcss (currently disabled by default) instead of postcss.
    • Add a new config.browserslist option to configure the browserslist used by lightningcss.
    • Add a --lightningcss flag to the panda and panda cssgen command to use lightningcss instead of postcss for this run.

    Internal changes:

    • markImportant fn from JS instead of walking through postcss AST nodes
    • use a fork of stitches stringify function instead of postcss-css-in-js to write the CSS string from a JS object
    • only compute once TokenDictionary properties
    • refactor serializeStyle to use the same code path as the rest of the pipeline with StyleEncoder / StyleDecoder and rename it to transformStyles to better convey what it does

Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • f6881022: Add patterns to config.staticCss

    Fix the special [*] rule which used to generate the same rule for every breakpoints, which is not what most people need (it's still possible by explicitly using responsive: true).

    const card = defineRecipe({
      className: 'card',
      base: { color: 'white' },
      variants: {
        size: {
          small: { fontSize: '14px' },
          large: { fontSize: '18px' },
        visual: {
          primary: { backgroundColor: 'blue' },
          secondary: { backgroundColor: 'gray' },
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      staticCss: {
        recipes: {
          card: ['*'], // this
          // was equivalent to:
          card: [
            // notice how `responsive: true` was implicitly added
            { size: ['*'], responsive: true },
            { visual: ['*'], responsive: true },
          //   will now correctly be equivalent to:
          card: [{ size: ['*'] }, { visual: ['*'] }],

    Here's the diff in the generated CSS:

    @layer recipes {
      .card--size_small {
        font-size: 14px;
      .card--size_large {
        font-size: 18px;
      .card--visual_primary {
        background-color: blue;
      .card--visual_secondary {
        background-color: gray;
      @layer _base {
        .card {
          color: var(--colors-white);
    -  @media screen and (min-width: 40em) {
    -\:card--size_small {
    -      -font-size: 14px;
    -    -}
    -\:card--size_large {
    -      -font-size: 18px;
    -    -}
    -\:card--visual_primary {
    -      -background-color: blue;
    -    -}
    -\:card--visual_secondary {
    -      -background-color: gray;
    -    -}
    -  }
    -  @media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
    -\:card--size_small {
    -      -font-size: 14px;
    -    -}
    -\:card--size_large {
    -      -font-size: 18px;
    -    -}
    -\:card--visual_primary {
    -      -background-color: blue;
    -    -}
    -\:card--visual_secondary {
    -      -background-color: gray;
    -    -}
    -  }
    -  @media screen and (min-width: 64em) {
    -    -.lg\:card--size_small {
    -      -font-size: 14px;
    -    -}
    -    -.lg\:card--size_large {
    -      -font-size: 18px;
    -    -}
    -    -.lg\:card--visual_primary {
    -      -background-color: blue;
    -    -}
    -    -.lg\:card--visual_secondary {
    -      -background-color: gray;
    -    -}
    -  }
    -  @media screen and (min-width: 80em) {
    -    -.xl\:card--size_small {
    -      -font-size: 14px;
    -    -}
    -    -.xl\:card--size_large {
    -      -font-size: 18px;
    -    -}
    -    -.xl\:card--visual_primary {
    -      -background-color: blue;
    -    -}
    -    -.xl\:card--visual_secondary {
    -      -background-color: gray;
    -    -}
    -  }
    -  @media screen and (min-width: 96em) {
    -    -.\32xl\:card--size_small {
    -      -font-size: 14px;
    -    -}
    -    -.\32xl\:card--size_large {
    -      -font-size: 18px;
    -    -}
    -    -.\32xl\:card--visual_primary {
    -      -background-color: blue;
    -    -}
    -    -.\32xl\:card--visual_secondary {
    -      -background-color: gray;
    -    -}
    -  }
  • Updated dependencies [f6881022]


Patch Changes

  • 80ada336: Automatically extract/generate CSS for sva even if slots are not statically extractable, since it will only produce atomic styles, we don't care much about slots for sva specifically

    Currently the CSS won't be generated if the slots are missing which can be problematic when getting them from another file, such as when using Ark-UI like import { comboboxAnatomy } from '@ark-ui/anatomy'

    import { sva } from '../styled-system/css'
    import { slots } from './slots'
    const card = sva({
      slots, // ❌ did NOT work -> ✅ will now work as expected
      base: {
        root: {
          p: '6',
          m: '4',
          w: 'md',
          boxShadow: 'md',
          borderRadius: 'md',
          _dark: { bg: '#262626', color: 'white' },
        content: {
          textStyle: 'lg',
        title: {
          textStyle: 'xl',
          fontWeight: 'semibold',
          pb: '2',
  • b01eb049: Fix a parser issue where we didn't handle import aliases when using a {xxx}.raw() function.


    // button.stories.ts
    import { button as buttonRecipe } from '@ui/styled-system/recipes'
    export const Primary: Story = {
      // ❌ this wouldn't be parsed as a recipe because of the alias + .raw()
      //  -> ✅ it's now fixed
      args: buttonRecipe.raw({
        color: 'primary',
  • a3b6ed5f: Fix & perf improvement: skip JSX parsing when not using config.jsxFramework / skip tagged template literal parsing when not using config.syntax set to "template-literal"

  • Updated dependencies [bd552b1f]


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Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • bf0e6a30: Fix issues with class merging in the styled factory fn for Qwik, Solid and Vue.

  • 69699ba4: Improved styled factory by adding a 3rd (optional) argument:

    interface FactoryOptions<TProps extends Dict> {
      dataAttr?: boolean
      defaultProps?: TProps
      shouldForwardProp?(prop: string, variantKeys: string[]): boolean
    • Setting dataAttr to true will add a data-recipe="{recipeName}" attribute to the element with the recipe name. This is useful for testing and debugging.
    import { styled } from '../styled-system/jsx'
    import { button } from '../styled-system/recipes'
    const Button = styled('button', button, { dataAttr: true })
    const App = () => (
      <Button variant="secondary" mt="10px">
    // Will render something like <button data-recipe="button" class="btn btn--variant_purple mt_10px">Button</button>
    • defaultProps allows you to skip writing wrapper components just to set a few props. It also allows you to locally override the default variants or base styles of a recipe.
    import { styled } from '../styled-system/jsx'
    import { button } from '../styled-system/recipes'
    const Button = styled('button', button, {
      defaultProps: {
        variant: 'secondary',
        px: '10px',
    const App = () => <Button>Button</Button>
    // Will render something like <button class="btn btn--variant_secondary px_10px">Button</button>
    • shouldForwardProp allows you to customize which props are forwarded to the underlying element. By default, all props except recipe variants and style props are forwarded.
    import { styled } from '../styled-system/jsx'
    import { button } from '../styled-system/recipes'
    import { isCssProperty } from '../styled-system/jsx'
    import { motion, isValidMotionProp } from 'framer-motion'
    const StyledMotion = styled(
        shouldForwardProp: (prop, variantKeys) =>
          isValidMotionProp(prop) || (!variantKeys.includes(prop) && !isCssProperty(prop)),
  • 3a04a927: Fix static extraction of the Array Syntax when used with runtime conditions

    Given a component like this:

    function App() {
      return <Box py={[2, verticallyCondensed ? 2 : 3, 4]} />

    the py value was incorrectly extracted like this:

        "py": {
            "1": 2,
        "py": {
            "1": 3,

    which would then generate invalid CSS like:

    .paddingBlock\\\\:1_2 {
      1: 2px;
    .paddingBlock\\\\:1_3 {
      1: 3px;

    it's now correctly transformed back to an array:

      "py": {
    -    "1": 2,
    +   [
    +       undefined,
    +       2,
    +   ]
      "py": {
    -    "1": 3,
    +   [
    +       undefined,
    +       3,
    +   ]

    which will generate the correct CSS

    @media screen and (min-width: 40em) {
      .sm\\\\:py_2 {
        padding-block: var(--spacing-2);
      .sm\\\\:py_3 {
        padding-block: var(--spacing-3);
  • Updated dependencies [abd7c47a]

  • Updated dependencies [3a04a927]


Patch Changes

  • 1ac2011b: Add a new config.importMap option that allows you to specify a custom module specifier to import from instead of being tied to the outdir

    You can now do things like leverage the native package.json imports:

    export default defineConfig({
      outdir: './outdir',
      importMap: {
        css: '#panda/styled-system/css',
        recipes: '#panda/styled-system/recipes',
        patterns: '#panda/styled-system/patterns',
        jsx: '#panda/styled-system/jsx',

    Or you could also make your outdir an actual package from your monorepo:

    export default defineConfig({
      outdir: '../packages/styled-system',
      importMap: {
        css: '@monorepo/styled-system',
        recipes: '@monorepo/styled-system',
        patterns: '@monorepo/styled-system',
        jsx: '@monorepo/styled-system',

    Working with tsconfig paths aliases is easy:

    export default defineConfig({
      outdir: 'styled-system',
      importMap: {
        css: 'styled-system/css',
        recipes: 'styled-system/recipes',
        patterns: 'styled-system/patterns',
        jsx: 'styled-system/jsx',
  • Updated dependencies [95b06bb1]

  • Updated dependencies [1ac2011b]

  • Updated dependencies [58743bc4]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • c40ae1b9: feat(parser): extract {fn}.raw as an identity fn

    so this will now work:

    import { css } from 'styled-system/css'
    const paragraphSpacingStyle = css.raw({
      '&:not(:first-child)': { marginBlockEnd: '1em' },
    export const proseCss = css.raw({
      maxWidth: '800px',
      '& p': {
        '&:not(:first-child)': { marginBlockStart: '1em' },
      '& h1': paragraphSpacingStyle,
      '& h2': paragraphSpacingStyle,

    & use ECMA preset for ts-evaluator: This means that no other globals than those that are defined in the ECMAScript spec such as Math, Promise, Object, etc, are available but it allows for some basic evaluation of expressions like this:

    import { cva } from '.panda/css'
    const variants = () => {
      const spacingTokens = Object.entries({
        s: 'token(spacing.1)',
        m: 'token(spacing.2)',
        l: 'token(spacing.3)',
      const spacingProps = {
        px: 'paddingX',
        py: 'paddingY',
      // Generate variants programmatically
      return Object.entries(spacingProps)
        .map(([name, styleProp]) => {
          const variants = spacingTokens
            .map(([variant, token]) => ({ [variant]: { [styleProp]: token } }))
            .reduce((_agg, kv) => ({ ..._agg, ...kv }))
          return { [name]: variants }
        .reduce((_agg, kv) => ({ ..._agg, ...kv }))
    const baseStyle = cva({
      variants: variants(),
  • Updated dependencies [c40ae1b9]

  • Updated dependencies [26f6982c]


Patch Changes

  • 39298609: Make the types suggestion faster (updated DeepPartial)

  • f27146d6: Fix an issue where some JSX components wouldn't get matched to their corresponding recipes/patterns when using Regex in the jsx field of a config, resulting in some style props missing.

    issue: chakra-ui#1315

  • Updated dependencies [be24d1a0]

  • Updated dependencies [4bc515ea]

  • Updated dependencies [9f429d35]

  • Updated dependencies [39298609]

  • Updated dependencies [7c1ab170]

  • Updated dependencies [f27146d6]


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • a669f4d5: Introduce new slot recipe features.

    Slot recipes are useful for styling composite or multi-part components easily.

    • sva: the slot recipe version of cva
    • defineSlotRecipe: the slot recipe version of defineRecipe


    import { sva } from 'styled-system/css'
    const button = sva({
      slots: ['label', 'icon'],
      base: {
        label: { color: 'red', textDecoration: 'underline' },
      variants: {
        rounded: {
          true: {},
        size: {
          sm: {
            label: { fontSize: 'sm' },
            icon: { fontSize: 'sm' },
          lg: {
            label: { fontSize: 'lg' },
            icon: { fontSize: 'lg', color: 'pink' },
      defaultVariants: {
        size: 'sm',


    export function App() {
      const btnClass = button({ size: 'lg', rounded: true })
      return (
          <p class={btnClass.label}> Label</p>
          <p class={btnClass.icon}> Icon</p>

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • c08de87f: ### Breaking

    • Renamed the name property of a config recipe to className. This is to ensure API consistency and express the intent of the property more clearly.
    export const buttonRecipe = defineRecipe({
    -  name: 'button',
    +  className: 'button',
      // ...
    • Renamed the jsx property of a pattern to jsxName.
    const hstack = definePattern({
    -  jsx: 'HStack',
    +  jsxName: 'HStack',
      // ...


    Update the jsx property to be used for advanced tracking of custom pattern components.

    import { Circle } from 'styled-system/jsx'
    const CustomCircle = ({ children, ...props }) => {
      return <Circle {...props}>{children}</Circle>

    To track the CustomCircle component, you can now use the jsx property.

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      patterns: {
        extend: {
          circle: {
            jsx: ['CustomCircle'],

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 9ddf258b: Introduce the new {fn}.raw method that allows for a super flexible usage and extraction 🎉 :

    <Button rootProps={css.raw({ bg: "red.400" })} />
    // recipe in storybook
    export const Funky: Story = {
    	args: button.raw({
    		visual: "funky",
    		shape: "circle",
    		size: "sm",
    // mixed with pattern
    const stackProps = {
      sm: stack.raw({ direction: "column" }),
      md: stack.raw({ direction: "row" })

Patch Changes

  • fb449016: Fix cases where Stitches styled.withConfig would be misinterpreted as a panda fn and lead to this error:

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')
        at /panda/packages/shared/dist/index.js:433:16
        at get (/panda/packages/shared/dist/index.js:116:20)
        at Utility.setClassName (/panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:1682:66)
        at inner (/panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:1705:14)
        at Utility.getOrCreateClassName (/panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:1709:12)
        at AtomicRule.transform (/panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:1729:23)
        at /panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:323:32
        at inner (/panda/packages/shared/dist/index.js:219:12)
        at walkObject (/panda/packages/shared/dist/index.js:221:10)
        at AtomicRule.process (/panda/packages/core/dist/index.js:317:35)
  • be0ad578: Fix parser issue with TS path mappings

  • 78612d7f: Fix node evaluation in extractor process (can happen when using a BinaryExpression, simple CallExpression or conditions)

  • Updated dependencies [fb449016]

  • Updated dependencies [e1f6318a]

  • Updated dependencies [be0ad578]

  • Updated dependencies [78612d7f]


Patch Changes

  • 16cd3764: Fix parser issue in .vue files, make the traversal check nested elements instead of only checking the 1st level
  • 7bc69e4b: Fix issue where extraction does not work when the spread syntax is used or prop contains string that ends with ':'
  • Updated dependencies [f2abf34d]
  • Updated dependencies [f59154fb]
  • Updated dependencies [a9c189b7]
  • Updated dependencies [7bc69e4b]


Patch Changes

  • 5bd88c41: Fix JSX recipe extraction when multiple recipes were used on the same component, ex:

    const ComponentWithMultipleRecipes = ({ variant }) => {
      return (
        <button className={cx(pinkRecipe({ variant }), greenRecipe({ variant }), blueRecipe({ variant }))}>Hello</button>

    Given a panda.config.ts with recipes each including a common jsx tag name, such as:

    recipes: {
        pinkRecipe: {
            className: 'pinkRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'pink.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },
        greenRecipe: {
            className: 'greenRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'green.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },
        blueRecipe: {
            className: 'blueRecipe',
            jsx: ['ComponentWithMultipleRecipes'],
            base: { color: 'blue.100' },
            variants: {
                variant: {
                small: { fontSize: 'sm' },

    Only the first matching recipe would be noticed and have its CSS generated, now this will properly generate the CSS for each of them

  • b50675ca: Refactor parser to support extracting css prop in JSX elements correctly.

  • Updated dependencies [21295f2e]


Patch Changes

  • 09ebaf2e: Fix svelte parsing when using Typescript or <script context=module> or multiple <script>s

  • 78ed6ed4: Fix issue where using a nested outdir like src/styled-system with a baseUrl like ./src would result on parser NOT matching imports like import { container } from "styled-system/patterns"; cause it would expect the full path src/styled-system

  • a3d760ce: Do not allow all JSX properties to be extracted if none provided, rely on the isStyleProp fn instead

    This fixes cases when :

    • eject: true and only the @pandacss/preset-base is used (or none)
    • some non-styling JSX prop is extracted leading to an incorrect CSS rule being generated, ex:
    🐼 info [cli] Writing /Users/astahmer/dev/reproductions/remix-panda/styled-system/debug/app__routes___index.css
    🐼 error [serializer:css] Failed to serialize CSS: CssSyntaxError: <css input>:28:19: Missed semicolon
      26 |     }
      27 |     .src_https\:\/\/akmweb\.viztatech\.com\/web\/svnres\/file\/50_e4bb32c9ea75c5de397f2dc17a3cf186\.jpg {
    > 28 |         src:
         |                   ^
      29 |     }
      30 | }
  • Updated dependencies [6f03ead3]

  • Updated dependencies [8c670d60]

  • Updated dependencies [c0335cf4]

  • Updated dependencies [762fd0c9]

  • Updated dependencies [f9247e52]

  • Updated dependencies [1ed239cd]

  • Updated dependencies [78ed6ed4]

  • Updated dependencies [e48b130a]

  • Updated dependencies [d9bc63e7]


Minor Changes

  • ead9eaa3: Add support for tagged template literal version.

    This features is pure css approach to writing styles, and can be a great way to migrate from styled-components and emotion.

    Set the syntax option to template-literal in the panda config to enable this feature.

    // panda.config.ts
    export default defineConfig({
      syntax: 'template-literal',

    For existing projects, you might need to run the panda codegen --clean

    You can also use the --syntax option to specify the syntax type when using the CLI.

    panda init -p --syntax template-literal

    To get autocomplete for token variables, consider using the CSS Var Autocomplete extension.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 6d81ee9e: - Set default jsx factory to 'styled'
    • Fix issue where pattern JSX was not being generated correctly when properties are not defined

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • fb40fff2: Initial release of all packages

    • Internal AST parser for TS and TSX
    • Support for defining presets in config
    • Support for design tokens (core and semantic)
    • Add outExtension key to config to allow file extension options for generated javascript. .js or .mjs
    • Add jsxElement option to patterns, to allow specifying the jsx element rendered by the patterns.
  • Updated dependencies [c308e8be]

  • Updated dependencies [fb40fff2]