The network does not directly optimize for a given benchmark, and as a result it gains improved capabilities over other existing methods. It' has shown ot be capable of "zero-shot" learning like with GPT models.
In the blogpost they mention Learning Visual N-Grams from Web Data that one could zero-shot imagenet with 11.5% accuracy from 30 millions Flickr photos.
The approach: given an image, the model should output what text was paired with the image. The model is trained by using contrastive pre-training.
This allows for zero-shot training, the model can for instance be used as a dog / cat classifier by seeing if it outputs "photo of dog/cat".
From figure 3. in the paper the pseudo code is described as
# image_encoder - ResNet or Vision Transformer
# text_encoder - CBOW or Text Transformer
# I[n, h, w, c] - minibatch of aligned images
# T[n, l] - minibatch of aligned texts
# W_i[d_i, d_e] - learned proj of image to embed
# W_t[d_t, d_e] - learned proj of text to embed
# t - learned temperature parameter
# extract feature representations of each modality
I_f = image_encoder(I) #[n, d_i]
T_f = text_encoder(T) #[n, d_t]
# joint multimodal embedding [n, d_e]
I_e = l2_normalize(, W_i), axis=1)
T_e = l2_normalize(, W_t), axis=1)
# scaled pairwise cosine similarities [n, n]
logits =, T_e.T) * np.exp(t)
# symmetric loss function
labels = np.arange(n)
loss_i = cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels, axis=0)
loss_t = cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels, axis=1)
loss = (loss_i + loss_t)/2